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Gigi Gadgets has a long history of endorsing musicians.
We’re proud of our commitment towards renowned Artists. We also believe in supporting and sponsoring new talents.
Let us be straight, endorsement deals are intended for professional musicians only, who can help broaden Gigi Gadgets market exposure. Although we understand there are many excellent musicians in the early stages of their career, we cannot afford to offer endorsement deals unless you meet our minimum criteria.
To be considered for an endorsement, you should at least be a signed artist with a brand with national distribution, and have high-profile regional or national tour booked. Please note that we look at each band/artists’ online presence to confirm news, tours and size of your fan base.
Please submit for endorsement consideration ONLY if you meet the criteria. Unqualified submissions may not receive a response.
Our Offers
We offer all our products at discounted rates upto 100% making it completely free for an artist.
We also build custom equipment tailored to the needs of the artist at the cost of goods and do not charge anything for the research & effort we put in.
Our Expectations
We expect you to endorse and thus promote us through suitable channels as mutually agreed upon.
You may choose to endorse one or more products OR the Brand Gigi Gadgets altogether.